Frequently Asked Questions

Computerized Innovative Tests & Investigations Lab is also known as CITILAB. Dr. Jamal Nasir President Pakistan Green Task Force and Ex-Minister Health P&SHD and Population Welfare Department Punjab is Chief Executive CITILAB. We Employ Latest Research Technology & Company CITILAB did not take a long time to establish its credibility in the eyes of both the patients and the clinicians equally, since its foundation in Rawalpindi on 10th October, 1993. CITILAB is another name of high quality.

You can reach our customer support team via email at or visit our website or by UAN: 111-511-512 Phone No. 051- 4847390-92 Mobile / WhatsApp: 0334-0457457. Our support hours are 24/7.

To book an appointment, simply visit our website and click on “Book an Appointment” on the top right of the menu. And then select the test name (X-rays, Ultrasound, CT Scan or MRI Scan) select date and time for appointment and submit it. If there is any change in time, our representative will call you.

It depends on the phlebotomist availability but lab would confirm time after your call.

CITILAB provides radiology facility in Rawalpindi Opp. to Benazir Bhutto Hospital Murree Road.

No, we don’t have, you have to discuss with your Consultant / Doctor personally.

Yes, we have female radiologists of females and male radiologists for males.

Yes, CITILAB provides a home sampling of patients.

Yes, we offer comparison reports of the latest MRI and CT-scan tests with old ones.

No, “The Citilab ” is not part of us. Citilab is under the supervision of Dr. Jamal Nasir since 1992 and “The Citilab” started its services in 2020.

You will have to maintain the temperature of the sample, instead of collecting the sample on your own we will suggest you avail of our home collection service.

Examine each part of the fetal body, determine the position of the placenta, assess the amount of amniotic fluid, and measure fetal growth. Special attention is paid to the brain, face, spine, heart, stomach, bowel, kidneys, and limbs.

This test is helpful in the diagnosis of tuberculous Effusion (Peritoneal, Pleural and Pericardial etc.) and Liver diseases (Alcoholic hepatic Fibrosis, Chronic Active Hepatitis, Active Hepatitis, Liver Cirrhosis and hepatoma).


This test is usually done in serum or fluid.

  1. 3 cc blood in gel bottle (without any anticoagulant) or syringe (In case of Serum)
  2. Respective fluid in syringe (In case of fluid)

Following tests are done in this profile

BSF, ALT, Calcium, Urea, Creatinine, CO2, Electrolytes

Sample requirement:

  1. 3 cc blood in gel bottle (without any anticoagulant) or syringe
  2. 2 cc Heparinized blood
  • 2 cc blood in fluoride bottle (Sodium fluoride anticoagulant)

Early delivery of sample to lab

  1. Take sample before giving injections.
  2. 3 cc blood in gel bottle (without any anticoagulant) or syringe
  • Mention the time elapsed between an expected infarct and sample taking.
  1. Three samples during first 24 hours of an expected infarct give better results.

Yes, we have cardiologist clinic. You can come and visit between 9:00Am to 09:00Pm From Monday to Saturday.

Yes, We have portable x-rays machine. we provide x-rays at your door step.

This includes:

Electrolytes (NA+, K+, Cl) Bicarbonate, Glucose, Bun, Creatinine

  1. 2 cc blood in gel bottle (without any anticoagulant) or syringe
  2. 2 cc blood in heparin bottle
  • 2 cc blood in fluoride bottle

This profile includes:

Albumin, Cholesterol, Triglyceride, Phosphorous, Uric Acid, Bilirubin Total, Direct Bilirubin, AST (SGOT), ALT, Alkaline Phosphatase, Total Protein, Calcium (Ionized)

Following samples are required:

  1. 4 cc blood in gel bottle (without any anticoagulant / serum) or syringe
  2. 2 cc blood in heparin bottle

Following tests are included in this profile:

Albumin, Bilirubin, BUN, Calcium, CO2, Creatinine, Glucose, Alkaline Phosphatase, Electrolytes, Total Protein, AST

Sample requirement:

  1. 3 cc blood in gel bottle (without any anticoagulant) or syringe
  2. 2 cc Heparinized blood
  • 2 cc blood in fluoride bottle (Sodium fluoride anticoagulant)
  1. Minimum delay of sample delivery to lab
  1. Done in pregnant ladies.
  2. Helpful for diagnosis of gestational diabetes.
  • Patient comes to lab.
  1. 50gm glucose in 250ml of water is given.
  2. Sample for blood glucose is taken 1hr after oral glucose.


Some gynecologists recommend 75gm oral glucose. Usually no fasting condition or fasting sample is required. Some gynecologists recommend fasting sample also. Test is done accordingly.

  1. Patient must be ambulatory.
  2. Patient should take diet which contains at least 150 gm carbohydrates per day for 3 days before test.
  • Discontinue drugs, which alter blood glucose e.g. salicylate, steroids and thiazide diuretics etc. 3 days before test.
  1. If patient is taking hypoglycaemic drugs, discontinue them on the day of test.
  2. Usually test is done in the morning in fasting condition after patient has been fasting for 9-12 hours.
  3. A fasting sample is taken and then checked for glucose.
  • If result of fasting blood glucose is more than 130 mg/dl GTT should not be performed.
  • If fasting blood glucose is less than 130mg/dl give patient 75 mg glucose in a glass (250ml) of water.
  1. After giving oral glucose take samples at ½hrs, 1hrs 1½ hrs and 2hrs.
  2. Take 2 urine samples also at 1hr and 2hr.
  3. There are many interpretations of GTT. One of the interpretations is if 2 values out of 4 values are more than 200mg / dl patient is diabetic otherwise not.
  • Patient should avoid smoking, coffee, tea and physical exercise during and on the morning of test.
  1. Sometimes 3hrs GTT is required by clinician.
  2. In this case 3 samples are taken at 1hr, 2hr and 3hr after ingestion of 75 mg glucose in a glass (250 ml) of water.
  • Urine sample is not required.
  1. The patient must have fasted for 12 hours.
  2. Patient should be on his normal diet and his weight should remain constant for two weeks before the test.
  3. Patient should remain seated for 30 minutes before blood is taken.
  4. Investigation for hyperlipidaemia is preferably deferred for 3 months after a myocardial infarction, a major operation or any serious illness because stress may alter lipid levels.
  1. Take arterial blood preferably.
  2. Take heparinized blood. Washing of syringe with heparin is sufficient.
  3. After taking sample bevel of the needle should be put in a cork or rubber or soap to minimize the air entry.
  4. The plunger of the syringe should be drawn up to the blood to minimize air entry.
  5. Transport the sample to laboratory in an ice pack. This will slow down the metabolic rate.
  6. 2 cc heparinized blood is enough.
  1. Proper labeling of “donor” and “recipient” sample are important.
  2. 3 cc clotted sample of recipient is required.
  3. 3 cc EDTA blood (CP bottle) of donor / blood bag is required.
  1. This is an inside lab procedure performed by Consultant Heamatologist.
  2. It is to diagnose various Benign, Malignant Haematological disorder like aplastic anemia, acute and chronic leukemia and a variety of lymphomas involving Bone Marrow.
  3. Aseptic measures are taken during procedure.
  4. Prior appointment and Doctor’s prescription with all relevant and necessary clinical details are mandatory to keep with the patient while coming for procedure.
  1. Sample can be given anytime.
  2. No fasting is required.
  3. 3 cc blood in CP bottle (EDTA anticoagulant) because it is an estimation of indirectly Hb to which glucose is attached.
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